A Life-Changing Weekend Immersion for Successful Coaches, Therapists, Healers, Facilitators, and Soul-Driven Leaders who Want to Make a Difference on the Global Scale.

Step into the power of your Greatest Purpose, create real success, and serve the world to your greatest capacity — with no self-sabotage, fear, or hesitation.

A rare opportunity to work with Julia Mikk – internationally renowned healer, teacher, and breath master.

Being Successful And Making A Big Difference Doesn’t Have to Be Hard.

Discover the most important keys that allow world-renowned Coaches, Therapists, and Healers to get off the path of struggle, stress, and self-doubt to finally enjoy real success. Not just in their service to the world, but also in their personal lives.

Are you a coach, therapist, healer or mission-driven leader who wants to be more successful — with your impact in the world, finances and your experience of true fulfillment?

Do you find yourself expending tons of effort, money and time to try to reach your goals and create a life you love — but even with that you just can’t seem to get to the level of success and fulfillment that you desire?

Maybe you’re losing hope that it’s even possible for you — and have started to believe you’re just not capable of making a difference as a globally recognized healer, coach and facilitator?

The fact is most great coaches, healers and therapists are overwhelmed, feel self doubt, are not getting the results or making the impact their heart desires.

They try way too hard, exhausting themselves in the process. They also tend to give way too much to others, leaving their own well-being and fulfillment out of the equation.


Is this you?

Did you set out to make a big difference in the world AND a great living, but your reality doesn’t match the vision you had?  

You’ve put in the effort, you’ve hustled, you’ve tried different directions, you’ve hired coaches and support…but you’re still not where you want to be. 

The truth is there are two paths available to all coaches, therapists and healers and which one you choose to walk determines your results… 

One is the Path of Struggle

This is where most coaches, therapists and healers live…and die. It’s the path of always doing MORE. You aren’t getting the results you want so:

-You spend more money on low-level coaching and support — but it stays superficial and never actually resolves the deeper issues that are blocking you.

-You put in even more effort on your marketing and networking — but it doesn’t pay off with the clients you’re wanting (i.e. you simply keep attracting the wrong people for you).

-You waste more time pushing, hustling and grinding in numerous directions — and you still don’t get the results you hoped for.

-You lose energy by doing too much and as a result feel depleted. This in turn means you can’t fully actualize your vision as you don’t have embodied vitality to back you up.

The path of pushing is a dead-end. It erodes your self-confidence, keeps you frustrated and stressed, blocks you from living your purpose and doesn’t let you have success at the heights you’re capable of achieving.


The other option is the Path of Ease

This is where THE MOST SUCCESSFUL AND IMPACTFUL coaches, therapists and healers live… and flourish.

It’s the path of clearing out the blocks that hold you back so you can do the right thing at the right time. Instead of pushing and efforting:

-You spend money in the right places — on coaching that actually resolves the deeper issues that block you, so you can make Quantum Leap – anytime you want.

-You take Soul-aligned action with your marketing and networking — that gets you the results you want, while you feel relaxed and nourished.

-You spend your time in Flow — working on the things you are best at and receiving abundant high-quality support where needed. This is the direct path to achieving the results you want.

-You have energy and vitality, feeling great in your skin every day. This then feeds your ability to take powerful and joyful action and manifest your highest vision with much more ease.

The path of ease is an upward spiral,

taking you to ever greater success and making a big difference in the world.

It’s the path of you aligning with your Soul, Source Energy, quantum field in an EMBODIED WAY. Then all the miracles, inner clarity, power of your intuition and new doors open to you like never before! Prepare to be amazed!




But there is a reason why most people aren’t walking this path of Embodied Ease and instead stay stuck and struggling: their blocks and limitations live on the subconscious level and are hard to release. 

To get on the path of Ease you need a foundational shift. 

You need to rewire your neurochemistry, reprogram your subconscious, release old trauma, and awaken new neural-pathways in your brain. Then you need the right map, the one that takes you to the exact Soul-Aligned lifestyle you truly want. 

And that’s what we’re offering you now, when you join us at the Enrich Weekend Immersion.

Stop chasing results with the old methods that leave you frustrated and always arriving at the same limited and exhausting destination.

Come discover the shortcut to success…

Pick Your Pass



June 2-4th 2023. Bonus day available on June 5th.


Hilton Inverness, Denver, CO. You’ll receive a room discount code upon registration. 


Yes! If you cannot attend in person, we are offering virtual attendance. Choose your ticket below and we will send you details.


For the first 50 registrants, tickets are $100 off: $397, $694 or $1,897. Choose your best option below. Reserve your spot now as these tickets will go fast.


To the first 50 registrants we are gifting 3 delicious healthy buffet dinners Saturday, Sunday and Friday (valued at $225)! Otherwise, there are great restaurants at the hotel and around accessible by easy walk or drive.

Your investment in your next level of Purpose, Success, and Ease:






3 Days of Deep Healing, Expansion, and High-Level Support

June 2nd-4th  

Payment plans available







4 Days of Deep Healing, Expansion, and High-Level Support

June 2nd-5th

Payment plans available






All 4 Event Days (if your schedule allows you to come just for June 2nd-4th, that’s OK!) 

A 90 minute private session with Julia Mikk before or after the event (Julia is normally not available for private sessions outside of the SOLignment Leadership Training so this is a rare opportunity to work with her one-on-one)

Special Quantum Leap Ticket Group meeting on Sunday morning (receive customized attention in an intimate setting)

Special Quantum Leap Ticket surprise to be announced

Payment plans available


Private Pre-Event Success Call with A SOLignment Coach! 

Each ticket comes with a special opportunity to have a one on one Success Call with a SOLignment Coach to make sure you are fully prepared for the event, and get the most value out of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.


“Growing up, I was always told to work hard, suck it up and be a strong man to achieve my dreams. After working with Julia Mikk I was able to reconnect to the person I actually am and the infinite strength that came with that clarity. I started a new relationship with myself out of unconditional love and flowing ease. After this experience I was able to manifest my dream job, dramatically increase my income, eliminate stress and anxiety, and create a deeper relationship with my family and friends – all with no effort. ”

– Stephen, Greenwood Village, CO 

Suddenly that fear of me not being good enough went away. I started making more money, and feeling at ease in my work. My mindset completely shifted about perceiving my own value! It feels like a huge relief from so many forms of stress that were causing me to feel really constricted and trapped. Thank you for your immense help and brilliant work, Julia!”

-C. F., NYC, NY

“Thank you for facilitating yet another profoundly moving SOLignment workshop.  I am always so amazed by the depth of your offering and the powerful shifts that SOLignment work has on the participants. 

My personal experience at your workshop was magical.  For years I have been suffering with debilitating spinal and nerve pain and was recently diagnosed as having 4 herniated disks in my lower spine and 4 in my cervical spine.  These disks were pressing on nerve roots and creating symptoms ranging from sciatica and radiating pain, to complete loss of feeling in hands, feet, arms.  

During today’s workshop, I had the complete experience of healing.  I felt warmth and tingling throughout all of my nerve pathways. The blocks released and the energy was moving freely throughout my body again. Now I am feeling pain free, light, and filled with renewed hope and energy!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for enriching me, our community, and our planet with your gifts.”

– Amarjot, Scottsdale, AZ 

“I attended a workshop with Julia and what unfolded was a miracle. During a SOLignment session I was guided to the heart of my Divine purpose where I was shown the impact and influence of its message for all humanity.  That session felt like I gave birth to myself in the easiest, most effortless way possible. Julia’s presence and support was a midwife to the evolution of this vision.  I felt a deep invitation to allow and receive who I AM so I can be at peace with sharing my gifts in the world.”

– Alison, New Zealand

Still have questions?

No problem!

Text Emma, our Director of Client Success at (843) 441-3733 

Or Mel, our lead coach, at (310) 710-8081

You can also email: emma@solignment.com 

Or if you would like to schedule a call in advance:


What is ENRICH?

This is a 3-day experience that will rock your world and transform your life. 

It’s a leadership & personal growth experience mixed with healing ceremonies that will impact every area of your life, business, and especially your service to humanity. 

This is the Higher Purpose Success Event Of The Year! 

It’s NOT for the faint of heart, especially Day 1, which is going to help you Quantum Leap Ticket, as we dive into what is holding you back at the deepest levels of your psyche, ancestral karma, and nervous system. 

This is also NOT a shallow surface-level experience. Come expecting to dig DEEP and have REAL life-changing breakthroughs. 

Day 1: Inner Realignment

🌟 This day is about you becoming even more clear about who you really are and what you are here to do on this planet. So, you can step into the next level of your purpose.

🌟 Using the powerful SOLignment method, you’ll rewire your neurochemistry, reprogram your subconscious, release old trauma, and awaken new neural-pathways in your brain so you can powerfully and easily step into the next version of your purpose now.

🌟 Go from low energy, frustrated and pushing too hard to fully vibrant, creative and rejuvenated using our signature techniques that have transformed thousands of lives.

🌟 All the heaviness, burden and pain that you are carrying will be released like a helium balloon floating into the beautiful blue sky.

🌟 Once released, you will be able to access a new level of well-being, power and clarity that you have never imagined possible.

Day 2: Outer Momentum

🌟 On our second day, you’ll take the healings from Day 1 and bring them into your external manifestations. This allows you to live your purpose and serve your clients at the highest level WHILE thriving personally.

🌟 Using the SOLignment method, you’ll cut the tethers that hold you back in the outer world and start receiving more deeply from Life – that means more opportunities, more clients, more supportive relationships, a high-caliber team and so much more.

🌟 You will see how fast, easy and expansive success can be for you and you’ll discover why some people are able to achieve almost 10x their results.

🌟 You’ll also see the simple shifts you can make to start living your HIGHEST purpose and bringing your greatest Gifts now.

Day 3: Your Soul-Aligned Map

🌟 Now that you are re-energized and free of the heavy energy that kept you stuck, together we will create your soul aligned map and turn it into a 3D reality — that takes into account every aspect of your life including health, fun, creativity, impact, mission, purpose, family and finances.

🌟 You’ll walk away not only with a whole new you but also a whole new plan to manifest the success you desire quicker, easier and at an even greater level.

Day 4 (Optional Bonus Day): Going Deeper

🌟 This day is for those looking for even more attention and a more intimate environment to unpack their specific blocks, issues and challenges LIVE with Julia.

🌟 By working together in more depth, it will allow you to manifest your soul aligned map faster and more effectively.

🌟 Highly recommended for people who like a more close up and personal level of coaching and also for those who want to work directly with Julia.

Enrich is about going beyond your limitations and self-sabotaging tendencies.

You will surpass what you believed possible in your life and business, and enter a whole new level of evolution and purpose in this world. 

Go beyond the limitations of your upbringing, ancestral lineage and societal conditioning and step into the leader you are here to be! 

What ENRICH is not

Enrich is NOT a ra-ra-ra weekend where you just get excited and then return to the same old ways once you’re back home! This event is about deep healing, embodied transformation and profound breakthroughs so you can finally be who your Soul has come to this planet to be!

❌Enrich is NOT one of those pitch-filled sales events where the focus is more on things you should buy than on helpful teachings and exercises. I will make only one offer the entire weekend and those who it is right for will know.

Enrich is NOT a tactical business event to learn about the “next best thing” that you should implement to make more money in your business. This event is a sacred journey into the depths of who you are, seeing clearly what is holding you back and then releasing it from your cells, your DNA, and your subconscious. So, the change can happen on the deepest level of your being and your service to the world can get magnified manyfold.

The world is at a critical turning point and I am calling you forward into your highest levels of service to humanity.

Say YES by joining us at Enrich!

Pick Your Pass



June 2-4th 2023. Bonus day available on June 5th.


Hilton Inverness, Denver, CO. You’ll receive a room discount code upon registration. 


Yes! If you cannot attend in person, we are offering virtual attendance. Choose your ticket below and we will send you details.


For the first 50 registrants, tickets are $100 off: $397, $694 or $1,897. Choose your best option below. Reserve your spot now as these tickets will go fast.


To the first 50 registrants we are gifting 3 delicious healthy buffet dinners Saturday, Sunday and Friday (valued at $225)! Otherwise, there are great restaurants at the hotel and around accessible by easy walk or drive.

Your investment in your next level of Purpose, Success, and Ease:






3 Days of Deep Healing, Expansion, and High-Level Support

June 2nd-4th  

Payment plans available







4 Days of Deep Healing, Expansion, and High-Level Support

June 2nd-5th

Payment plans available






All 4 Event Days (if your schedule allows you to come just for June 2nd-4th, that’s OK!) 

A 90 minute private session with Julia Mikk before or after the event (Julia is normally not available for private sessions outside of the SOLignment Leadership Training so this is a rare opportunity to work with her one-on-one)

Special Quantum Leap Ticket Group meeting on Sunday morning (receive customized attention in an intimate setting)

Special Quantum Leap Ticket surprise to be announced

Payment plans available


Private Pre-Event Success Call with A SOLignment Coach! 

Each ticket comes with a special opportunity to have a one on one Success Call with a SOLignment Coach to make sure you are fully prepared for the event, and get the most value out of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.


I felt like I literally received a full lifetime’s worth of re-parenting and renewed understanding of my life…I simply can’t thank you enough, Julia! You have introduced me to such an amazing modality of healing like I’ve never before experienced.”

-Genevieve, Boulder, CO

What unfolded was a miracle. I was guided to the heart of my Divine purpose where I was shown the impact and influence of its message for all humanity. I felt like I gave birth to myself in the easiest, most effortless way possible. Julia’s presence and support was a midwife to the evolution of this vision. I felt a deep invitation to allow and receive who I am so I can be at peace with sharing my gifts in the world.”

– Alison, New Zealand

 “After my SOLignment experience with Julia, life shifted. Since then I have been able to really feel supported in life, there is no need to let my mind get caught up in the worry and uncertainty anymore. I also learned to trust my intuition and my feelings – something I had always wanted and tried to do but couldn’t quite get in touch with!!”

– Libby, Registered Dietitian, Phoenix, AZ

“My intention… was courage to feel safe enough to be myself. I find that I’m constantly making myself small to fit in, but after the sessions with Julia I noticed a great shift. I had an event on Friday where I had to interact with a crowd and do public speaking and I shocked myself with all the confidence that came pouring out!

– Yaritza, Oncology Nurse Coach, Tamarac, Florida 

It’s Time To Get Off the Path of Struggle…

My name is Julia Mikk and years ago I had a “very successful” practice as a healer, teacher and coach. 

My clients were thrilled by their transformations. My finances were great.

But I was working SO hard to make the impact I wanted and to keep my business going that I felt depleted, stressed out and miserable… for years. 

I constantly wished there was another way but I just didn’t see how I could make the difference and have the financial success I wanted without pushing hard and running myself ragged. 

The truth was, I had no idea how to create a life I really loved.

It got so bad that one day I had a vision that I would get  cancer unless I stopped what I was doing and found a new way forward.

I had no idea what this new way could be but it was a breaking point for me because I realized I wasn’t willing to keep pushing until I died!!! 

So I stopped. Completely. 

I stepped away from all my client work and went on a deep healing journey, determined to see if there was another way I could serve the world and have success, while actually feeling fulfilled, energized, healthy and happy.

And that’s when I discovered the solution:  

The SOLignment Process.

The SOLignment Process is a proven, powerful methodology that allows you to create miraculous level breakthroughs WITH EASE. Once you know how to do it for yourself, you can easily replicate it also for your clients. 

When miraculous level results come more easily, you don’t have to work as hard or as much. 

AND you are able to charge much more!

Discovering this process allowed me to return to my practice and make a bigger difference for my clients AND enjoy a whole new level of success, ease and happiness in myself.

It allowed me to make great money, to build a team to support my gifts, to take long nourishing vacations to beautiful places, and to have clients who love working with me and rave about their results to others.

And I want you to experience the same!

Do you want to continue what you’re doing: pushing hard, working long hours, depleting yourself more and more, and never seeing the outcomes you really want?

Or are you ready to finally have the ease and success you are meant for?

Get off the road to burnout and dissatisfaction
and step onto the path of success, making a real difference

FULLY living what your Soul is designed for.

Pick Your Pass



June 2-4th 2023. Bonus day available on June 5th.


Hilton Inverness, Denver, CO. You’ll receive a room discount code upon registration. 


Yes! If you cannot attend in person, we are offering virtual attendance. Choose your ticket below and we will send you details.


For the first 50 registrants, tickets are $100 off: $397, $694 or $1,897. Choose your best option below. Reserve your spot now as these tickets will go fast.


To the first 50 registrants we are gifting 3 delicious healthy buffet dinners Saturday, Sunday and Friday (valued at $225)! Otherwise, there are great restaurants at the hotel and around accessible by easy walk or drive.

Your investment in your next level of Purpose, Success, and Ease:






3 Days of Deep Healing, Expansion, and High-Level Support

June 2nd-4th  

Payment plans available







4 Days of Deep Healing, Expansion, and High-Level Support

June 2nd-5th

Payment plans available






All 4 Event Days (if your schedule allows you to come just for June 2nd-4th, that’s OK!) 

A 90 minute private session with Julia Mikk before or after the event (Julia is normally not available for private sessions outside of the SOLignment Leadership Training so this is a rare opportunity to work with her one-on-one)

Special Quantum Leap Ticket Group meeting on Sunday morning (receive customized attention in an intimate setting)

Special Quantum Leap Ticket surprise to be announced

Payment plans available


Private Pre-Event Success Call with A SOLignment Coach! 

Each ticket comes with a special opportunity to have a one on one Success Call with a SOLignment Coach to make sure you are fully prepared for the event, and get the most value out of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.


I knew during and after the session that everything had changed for me. I went to a place of Peace, Safety and Clarity that I had never before experienced in this life.”

– Al, Director of Santa Barbara Wellness Directory, Santa Barbara, CA

“By far one of the most profound and powerful experiences of my life!”

– Josh, Los Angeles, CA

“When I started working with Julia Mikk I was able to breathe my heart and soul back into my life in a fully embodied way. I released a river of emotion at a deeper level than ever before…[and] I experienced a profound stillness, peace, and love. It was clear that this was a turning point for me.”

-Davis, Denver, CO

“Thank you for all that you do… It has shaped my life in the direction I finally want it to go!”

Emilee, Seattle, WA



🌟 Waking up on June 2nd, walking into the event hall, and being surrounded by other leaders who truly care and are ready to go deep and achieve success at the next level.

​🌟 Sharing the room with successful healers, coaches, therapists and mission driven leaders who are ready to step into their next level of being, leadership and service in the world.

🌟 Experiencing a complete transformation into a version of yourself you didn’t even know was possible for you.

​🌟 Sharing lunch hours with other amazing heart-centered individuals who have the power to make one introduction that might change your life.

🌟 Ending each day of the event grateful that you said yes  to coming because you realize you have found your people and are finally having the breakthroughs you need.

🌟 Returning home with your mind blown and resting in your power at a whole new level: Your clients will notice. Your team will notice. Your family will notice!


It’s time to step into the fullest expression of your mission & purpose. The world doesn’t need less of you. It needs ALL of your genius, love and power. Now more than ever!

This is THE event of the year for leaders like you.

Think of it as the fastest shortcut to accelerate your impact and success.

Create Deeper Results, More Quickly, with Much More Ease

Do you sometimes wish that your clients’ results were bigger, faster and longer lasting?

Do you wish that it didn’t take so much of your time and energy to get the results you want with your clients?

Would you like to be able to stand more confidently behind what you offer, knowing with 100% certainty that you can help transform the person in front of you in profound ways forever?

In the Enrich weekend, you’ll learn some of the key skills from the Solignment healing process to unlock the flow of miracles in your gifts to actually create miraculous level results.

Imagine what it would be like to create results for your clients that are so transformational that they rave about you to everyone they know?

And as a result, what if you had so many new people constantly asking to work with you that you have to turn people away?

This is what it’s like for some healers, coaches and therapists.  And it can be for you too.

In this powerful Enrich weekend, you’ll discover:

✨ How to create bigger results faster and with more ease so you don’t have to exhaust and deplete yourself to get the results.

✨ How to not pick up other people’s stuff so you end the day feeling cleansed and clear and radiant. Most coaches do NOT know how to do this.

✨ How to be successful with more ease (rather than effort) so you have more time for you: for fun, for connection, for vacations.

Discover how to create a life you don’t need a vacation from.

Join us for this career-transforming experiential weekend for coaches, therapists and mission-driven leaders who want to serve on a greater scale and do it with ease. 


 This will NOT be a tactical/strategic event about growing your business & impact, although BOTH of those outcomes will surely happen for those who play full out.


This is a spiritual & leadership breakthrough experience that will change how you work, lead and make a difference in the world for the rest of your life.


These 3 days will be life-changing and you won’t leave the same healer, leader and coach you showed up as.


The folks who already bought their tickets knew they were supposed to be there.  


Your network will never be the same. Your life will never be the same. Your trajectory will never be the same.

Join us and together we change the world.

Your Facilitator

Julia Mikk is an internationally renowned healer, teacher, and bestselling co-author.

She is the founder of the SOLignment process with certified Practitioners in many countries.

Over the last 20 years she has taught SOLignment to hundreds of thousands of people worldwide and her clients come from all over the world to experience the shamanic SOLignment process, receive a deep emotional and physical healing, and embody the courage to live their soul purpose.

 Trained in meditation, Spiritual Breathing, Pre and Perinatal psychology, Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy, somatic psychotherapy, and influenced by Buddhist teachings, many people have said that the SOLignment process is like no other work out there. It is very powerful, incredibly efficient, and quick in its ability to break through stagnant patterns.

This is one of the main things Julia emphasizes: “Deep letting go and healing do not have to be a struggle. The idea of a struggle itself is an old belief that can be totally released from our reality. It is time to have our life be filled with peace, abundance and love.”

Pick Your Pass



June 2-4th 2023. Bonus day available on June 5th.


Hilton Inverness, Denver, CO. You’ll receive a room discount code upon registration. 


Yes! If you cannot attend in person, we are offering virtual attendance. Choose your ticket below and we will send you details.


For the first 50 registrants, tickets are $100 off: $397, $694 or $1,897. Choose your best option below. Reserve your spot now as these tickets will go fast.


To the first 50 registrants we are gifting 3 delicious healthy buffet dinners Saturday, Sunday and Friday (valued at $225)! Otherwise, there are great restaurants at the hotel and around accessible by easy walk or drive.

Your investment in your next level of Purpose, Success, and Ease:






3 Days of Deep Healing, Expansion, and High-Level Support

June 2nd-4th  

Payment plans available







4 Days of Deep Healing, Expansion, and High-Level Support

June 2nd-5th

Payment plans available






All 4 Event Days (if your schedule allows you to come just for June 2nd-4th, that’s OK!) 

A 90 minute private session with Julia Mikk before or after the event (Julia is normally not available for private sessions outside of the SOLignment Leadership Training so this is a rare opportunity to work with her one-on-one)

Special Quantum Leap Ticket Group meeting on Sunday morning (receive customized attention in an intimate setting)

Special Quantum Leap Ticket surprise to be announced

Payment plans available


Private Pre-Event Success Call with A SOLignment Coach! 

Each ticket comes with a special opportunity to have a one on one Success Call with a SOLignment Coach to make sure you are fully prepared for the event, and get the most value out of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

If you have any questions or you want to make sure this event is the right fit for you, schedule a call with our Director of Client Success, Emma Frowine.




What is the event venue?

The event will be taking place at the Hilton Denver Inverness.


Is there a roomblock?

Yes! There’s a room block available at a special discount, click here to see the rates.


Which airport do I fly into?

Denver International Airport (DEN)



What is the Event schedule going to be?


10am on Friday, June 2nd

Schedule Friday – Sunday:

9am-1pm workshop

1-3pm lunch 

3-7 workshop 

Schedule on Monday:

11-1pm workshop

1-3pm lunch 

3-7 workshop 

This is an ALL WEEKEND event. There will be special surprises and invitations in the evenings so please leave them open. There are also after the event activities every evening that we believe you will love! 


What is the refund policy for tickets?

-Requests received PRIOR to April 21st, 2023 – Full Refund
-Requests received between April 21st, 2023 and May 15th, 2023 – 50% Refund
-Requests received on May 15th, 2023 or after – No Refund


Will there be an opportunity to meet Julia Mikk?

All Quantum Leap Ticket holders will be able to meet with Julia in an intimate group setting and receive individual coaching.


Does the hotel offer free parking?

Yes, free parking is available for hotel guests.


Will any meals be provided with my Event ticket?



How many People will be at this Event?

We’re capping this event at 200 people.


Who should register for this event?

This one-of-a-kind weekend immersion is for you if you are a(n):

-Yoga teacher
-Sound healer
-Dance facilitator
-Conscious Movement faciliatator
-Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
-Meditation teacher
-Cranio Sacral Therapist
-Tai Chi practitioner
-Chi Gong practitioner
-Empowerment workshop leader
-Energy worker
-Reiki practitioner
-Shamanic practitioner
-Light worker
-Shadow worker
-Massage therapist
-Spiritual book writer
-Artist that creates art for healing
-Musician whose music is meant to uplift and empower others


Are we allowed to record audio/video at the event?

You’re not allowed to record the entire event, however you can take pictures and shoot video clips to share them on social media.


Is there someone I can talk to more about this event to make sure it’s a good match for me?

Yes. We have our wonderful customer support Emma who is happy to support you.


What is your Covid protocol?

If you are feeling under the weather, or have been exposed to someone recently, please do not attend this event.


How will online participation work?

This event will be highly experiential so we recommend attending in person if you are able to. If you are not able to join us live, simply purchase a regular ticket and you will then receive instructions for online access.

Still have questions?

No problem!

Text Emma, our Director of Client Success at (843) 441-3733 

Or Mel, our lead coach, at (310) 710-8081

You can also email: emma@solignment.com 

Or if you would like to schedule a call in advance:


Pick Your Pass



June 2-4th 2023. Bonus day available on June 5th.


Hilton Inverness, Denver, CO. You’ll receive a room discount code upon registration. 


Yes! If you cannot attend in person, we are offering virtual attendance. Choose your ticket below and we will send you details.


For the first 50 registrants, tickets are $100 off: $397, $694 or $1,897. Choose your best option below. Reserve your spot now as these tickets will go fast.


To the first 50 registrants we are gifting 3 delicious healthy buffet dinners Saturday, Sunday and Friday (valued at $225)! Otherwise, there are great restaurants at the hotel and around accessible by easy walk or drive.

Your investment in your next level of Purpose, Success, and Ease:






3 Days of Deep Healing, Expansion, and High-Level Support

June 2nd-4th  

Payment plans available







4 Days of Deep Healing, Expansion, and High-Level Support

June 2nd-5th

Payment plans available






All 4 Event Days (if your schedule allows you to come just for June 2nd-4th, that’s OK!) 

A 90 minute private session with Julia Mikk before or after the event (Julia is normally not available for private sessions outside of the SOLignment Leadership Training so this is a rare opportunity to work with her one-on-one)

Special Quantum Leap Ticket Group meeting on Sunday morning (receive customized attention in an intimate setting)

Special Quantum Leap Ticket surprise to be announced

Payment plans available


Private Pre-Event Success Call with A SOLignment Coach! 

Each ticket comes with a special opportunity to have a one on one Success Call with a SOLignment Coach to make sure you are fully prepared for the event, and get the most value out of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.