Unblock Your Intuition


Claim Back The Power of Your Inner Guidance

4-Day Online course with world renowned teacher, healer and breath master, Julia Mikk.

Are you one of those coaches, healers, therapists or change-makers that has great gifts but you keep feeling that you are not utilizing them to their fullest capacity? You are not showing up in your full power? 

Sometimes it even makes you doubt yourself and wonder what is missing…

You are not always listening to your intuition… or you are confused by what is the voice of your Intuition to begin with!

You wonder why your clients’ results don’t last and they keep coming back to you with the same problems again and again…

You sometimes feel that you are an imposter – you present yourself as a great coach, healer or therapist but in your personal life you have the same issues that some of your clients talk about! 

You sabotage your progress in your business…

These are real issues that many of my clients tell me about. Even those clients who are well-known worldwide often come to me saying they have self-doubt and they are not sure how to maximize their gifts. 

They have plateaued and don’t know how to move forward. 


If you feel your intuition is blocked (or your ability to trust it is blocked), you must sign up for this Intuition Course. 


Click below to register for the Unblock Your Intuition Course and receive the first lesson into your inbox right away.

Normally $97. Currently only $7!

I want you to claim back to the power of your Inner Guidance and not waste more time on being confused, distracted or doing things that do not create successful results. 

Your Gifts are important. Your service to the planet is paramount. Let’s activate it to its fullest capacity now!

      You can have great techniques you have learned. Whatever it is: hypnotherapy, reiki, yoga, meditation, energy work, coaching, sound healing etc… yet if you don’t know how to fully activate your Intuition…

      … the full power of your tools and skills

      simply is not going to come through.

      You need to know when to say what… or, when to be silent and not say anything at all.

      You need to know when to use which tool.

      When to bring your energy forward and when to pull it back. Etc.

      Intuition is what is going to tell you all this.

      And, this is why Unblocking Your Intuition is the Key Number 1! 


      Click below to register for the Unblock Your Intuition Course and receive the first lesson into your inbox right away.

      Normally $97. Currently only $7!

      The Problem is…

      … most people are so stuck in their left brain, which is their analytical mind, their sense of identity or preconceived notions of how they think things ‘should’ be, that they can’t hear what their innate GPS is telling them.

      They are in a lot of noise, and can’t hear the sound of Inner Guidance coming through.

      Imagine standing in the middle of a noisy Manhattan street with taxis honking left and right, big buses passing by, and hundreds of people around you talking, shouting and laughing. Then, there is a flute player around the corner who peacefully is playing his flute (without an amplifier that is). How much are you going to hear this musician amid all the noise?

      Not at all.

      The key is to learn to tune out the noise in your head, and let go of the beliefs that get in the way (i.e. noise). 

      Most people try to figure out how to get in touch with their intuition by asking:

      “How do I find it?”

      “How do I listen better?”

      “How do I cultivate it?”

      I do it differently in the SOLignment Institute… Instead of trying to find your intuition or cultivate it, I believe it is already right here with you. Right now. All the time.

      You don’t need to go find it. All you need to do is remove what is standing in the way of you hearing it. 

      From working with hundreds of thousands of people around the world, I’ve found that there are 3 main keys to it. 


      Intuition Block #1: The belief that you’re not good enough. You can’t prioritize your Inner GPS if you are not fully and completely prioritizing your own self. If on a subconscious level you believe you don’t matter, you automatically believe your inner guidance doesn’t matter. 

      Intuition Block #2: Being Overly Empathic. You feel other people’s thoughts and emotions instead of your own sovereign GPS within your own being.

      Intuition Block #3: Childhood Imprints. There are several different ones. You will learn about them all in the Unblock Your Intuition Training. 


      Click below to register for the Unblock Your Intuition Course and receive the first lesson into your inbox right away.

      Normally $97. Currently only $7!

      As you can connect with your intuition on a whole new level, your entire way of working with clients will become exponentially more effective.

      You’ll be able to create the same successful outcomes already within 1 session as before it took you 3 or 5 or 10 sessions.

      You will also find yourself creating miraculous results in places where you were feeling stuck as a coach before. This means, instead of being frustrated with your work (and your clients).

      There will be a tremendous amount of more ease available! And, often awe.

      As a result you could start charging more money and allow your business to expand exponentially. 

      When people have profound results, they want to come back. Plus, they start referring their friends and family to you. The results will speak for themselves! 

      If you feel your intuition is blocked (or your ability to trust it is blocked), you must sign up for this Intuition Course. 

      I want you to claim back to the power of your Inner Guidance and not waste more time on being confused, distracted or doing things that do not create successful results. 

      Your Gifts are important. Your service to the planet is paramount. Let’s activate it to its fullest capacity now!

      Founder and Master Teacher: Julia Mikk

      is an internationally renowned healer and teacher, and founder of SOLignment Process and Breath of Love work, having touched thousands of people worldwide for the last 20 years.

      Trained in meditation, Spiritual Breathing, Pre and Perinatal Psychology, Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy, Somatic Psychotherapy, and influenced by Buddhist teaching she brought SOLignment work to life about 20 years ago. It took place thanks to many powerful awakenings she had in her own healing journey as well as by sitting with her spiritual teachers, including Gangaji, Binnie A. Dansby, Ray Castellino, and Anna Chitty.

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